According to the American Staffing Association, staffing firms nationwide collectively employ an average of 2 million workers daily across all industries, providing work force flexibility and access to talent to businesses like yours. But how does such a statistic really apply to you – the business owner, executive or hiring manager – who is seeking to fill a position with the best candidate?
The benefits of using a staffing firm are numerous but largely revolve around two main areas: workforce flexibility and access to a bigger (and likely better) pool of candidates.
Workforce Flexibility and Fluidity
You’ve just landed a large project – and now you need to staff it. Do you…
- Hire numerous permanent employees and supervisors on short notice (and with less due diligence than you would like)?
- Move forward with the strategic staffing plan that you had prepared in advance with your staffing firm?
EZ Executive Search excels at partnering with its clients to ensure that we are not just filling today’s open position but also looking at future growth, staffing turnover and project ebbs and flows. We want to help you fill your immediate needs and help you create an overall strategic staffing plan resulting in a maximized workforce and minimized workforce costs.
First-Class Talent
A staffing company not only offers you work force flexibility—it can provide you with specialized skills for a particular project. Industry research indicates that three out of four staffing service firm customers rank the quality of the employees they get from staffing firms as good as or better than their own employees. EZ Executive Search has a history of using the highest quality employees and ensuring that our clients’ needs are met or exceeded with our candidates.